
Quality Management

BMT Calsis Health Technologies Industry Trade Inc;

  • Has determined itself to focus on product needs in the market by following the developments in medicine and engineering,
  • To implement the quality service knowledge with the attendance of all the management and employees,
  • To provide customer, shareholder and employee pleasure to improve mutual liability,
  • To contribute to the health of patient and achievement of doctor by processing feedbacks obtained from surgical operations which our products are performed,
  • To provide employees to attend company success and corporate cultural activities and create a common identity with the education targets,
  • To produce environment friendly products by taking responsibility in social and ethical subjects
  • To develop products and technologies that are indispensable for human health, to produce those with the most appropriate parameters, and to approve them in the best clinical conditions,
  • To fulfill the national and international legal regulatory requirements and the terms of Quality Management System, and to develop this system constantly,
  • To constantly evaluate and develop the activity of the current quality management system and the quality goals established in accordance with quality policies.